Results, 16 Sept 2005
A very quick on as it is 3:30am here in Sydney, what started out as a bad day, ended up ok, the morning was a horrible one while at work, before recovering late in the day and early in the night to finish just ahead of where I started. You can see the opening of London was my main time for gains, and started a run of successive profitable trades. I have an interesting theory on the opening of the European session that I will test next week, and if proven successful will share with you all of course.

I have added an article on Moving Averages for you all to take a look at, and some good Forex News sites in the Links section as well so be sure to have a look when you get the chance. Forex TV is a novel idea and good for something different, other than plain old text tutorials.
Over the weekend I will look into another beginner article, probably the Elliot Wave Theory that has been mentioned a few times this week in the chat room of Marketiva. Have a great weekend all, and take the opportunity of the break to rest up and do some research :)
Today's result: +5 pips | Overall: -121 pips

I have added an article on Moving Averages for you all to take a look at, and some good Forex News sites in the Links section as well so be sure to have a look when you get the chance. Forex TV is a novel idea and good for something different, other than plain old text tutorials.
Over the weekend I will look into another beginner article, probably the Elliot Wave Theory that has been mentioned a few times this week in the chat room of Marketiva. Have a great weekend all, and take the opportunity of the break to rest up and do some research :)
Today's result: +5 pips | Overall: -121 pips
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