Results, 12 Sept 2005

Some solid results during the Asian session, where the market tends to trend nicely and show less volatility, stepped away just after the opening of the Eurpopean session with a +123 pip result, FANTASTIC! Decided to get back to it in the US session and undid a lot of my good work which was dissapointing, but partly a result of not keeping my discipline. Considering it was 2am, perhaps trading tired is just not a good idea.
So a good start for the new system, I do need to find an indicator to show the force behind a move, if there are any suggestions please leave a comment :)
If there is any new theory section you would like to see also leave a comment, at the moment there is only Divergence and Pivot Points, if you need further help on my brief summaries, look for me in the Forex Chat area in Marketiva.
Today's result: +90 pips | Overall: -25 pips
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